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Recent Developments and Best Practices in Food Science and Technology

Welcome Message

With a continuation of the most successful series we are glad to announce the next edition of the 8th International Conference on NutritionFood Science and Technology booked to be hung on December in Dubai, UAE highlighting the theme Nurturing the Nutrition Network.

Food Science 2020 shares an insight into the current research and the latest innovation which intends the potential gathering of all the scientists, scholars, engineers, and students across the world. The gathering gives an opportunity for the representative to trade their thoughts and ideas which builds up business and research relations and to rediscover worldwide accomplices for the future advancement

Food science conference aims at bringing a multi-disciplinary group of scientists and engineers from all over the world to exhibit and exchange breakthrough ideas relating to Food Science and Nutrition.  It enhances and promotes top-level research to globalize its quality, and thereby making presentations, discussions more internationally competitive and creative on the current achievements in the arena of Nutrition and Food Sciences.

While much encouragement and progress are going on these days in the field of Food Science and Nutrition, both with advancement and cure. Understanding its importance, the theme of this year’s edition relies on “Nurturing the Nutrition Network”. It’s an honor to invite all the concerned individual to join us at our occasion and make it successful with your esteemed presence.

You’re invited to be stimulated and enriched by the latest and current advancement in Food Science and Nutrition, while delving presentation around the field of life science by a variety of disciplines

We are looking forward to meeting all of you in Dubai to make Food science 2020 a grand success

Scientific Sessions/Tracks

Nutritional Science

Nutritional science primarily deals with the effect of food components on human metabolism, while dietetics tends to apply the science of nutrition for the prevention and treatment of disease and the promotion of health. It aims to educate and empower people about nutrition. Nutrition information primarily focuses to improve people’s diet by manipulating the composition, availability or price of food. The role of nutrition and health professionals is to continue to communicate the potential benefits of food and itscomponents, especially foods and beverages that relate back to their top health concern namely heart, health, weight and cancer

·      Related: Food Science Conferences | Food Science Congress | Nutrition Conferences | Food Technology ConferencesFood Science Summit | Nutrition Conference | Nutrition Events | Obesity Conferences | Health Conferences

Recommended Associations &Societies: Federation of European Nutrition SocietiesEuropean Federation of FoodScience and TechnologySocietyof Nutrition and Food ScienceThe NutritionSocietyCentre for food Safety and Applied NutritionEconomic andFood Safety AuthorityAmericanSociety for Nutrition; United States Food and Drug AdministrationParental andEnteral Nutrition Society of AsiaAsia Pacific Clinical NutritionSocietyInternationalUnion of Nutritional SciencesFederation ofAsian Nutrition SocietiesWorld HealthOrganizationFood Safetyand Standards Authority of IndiaState Foodand Drug Administration

Related Conferences: 4thInternational Conference onFood Chemistry and Technology, November 18-19, 2019 at Berlin, Germany; 2ndInternational Conference onNutritionFood Scienceand Health Management,November 20-21, 2019 at Berlin, Germany; International Conference onObesity and Endocrinology, November 21-22, 2019 at Singapore; 17thInternational Conference onClinical Nutrition and Fitness, November 21-22, 2019 at Singapore; Nutrition& Eating disorders, November 25-26, 2019 at Yokohama, Japan; World Summit onNutritionObesityDietetics andEating Disorders, November 29-30, 2019  at Toronto, Ontario, Canada; 5th World Congress on NutritionDietetics & Nutraceuticals,January 29-30, 2020 at Sydney, Australia

Diabetes Nutrition and Diet

Nutrition is a critical part of diabetes care.Balancing the accurate amount of carbohydrate, fat, protein, alongwith the fiber, vitamins thenminerals help us to maintain a healthy diet andeventually a healthy lifestyle. Getting the balance right can help the body tostay in major condition, but what is the right balance of nutrients? Peoplehave been quarreling over the ideal mix for generations and the discussionstill rages today. For diabetic patients, there is always an extraconsideration for their nutritional needs and that is the question of how theblood sugar level will respond to the complex diets. A dietician will tend to alter the patient’s nutrition upontheir health andmedical condition and induvial needs.

·      Related: Food Science Conferences | Food Science Congress | Nutrition Conferences | Food Technology ConferencesFood Science Summit | Nutrition Conference | Nutrition Events | Obesity Conferences | Health Conferences

Recommended Associations &Societies: Federation ofEuropean Nutrition SocietiesEuropean Federation of FoodScience and TechnologySocietyof Nutrition and Food ScienceThe NutritionSocietyCentre forFood Safety and Applied NutritionEconomic andFood Safety AuthorityAmericanSociety for Nutrition; United States Food and Drug AdministrationParental andEnteral Nutrition Society of AsiaAsia Pacific Clinical NutritionSocietyInternationalUnion of Nutritional SciencesFederation ofAsian Nutrition SocietiesWorld HealthOrganizationFood Safetyand Standards Authority of IndiaState Foodand Drug Administration

Related Conferences: 4thInternational Conference onFood Chemistry and Technology, November 18-19, 2019 at Berlin, Germany; 2ndInternational Conference onNutritionFood Scienceand Health Management,November 20-21, 2019 at Berlin, Germany; International Conference onObesity and Endocrinology, November 21-22, 2019 at Singapore; 17thInternational Conference onClinical Nutrition and Fitness, November 21-22, 2019 at Singapore; Nutrition& Eating disorders, November 25-26, 2019 at Yokohama, Japan; World Summit onNutritionObesityDietetics andEating Disorders, November 29-30, 2019  at Toronto, Ontario, Canada; 5th World Congress on NutritionDietetics & Nutraceuticals,January 29-30, 2020 at Sydney, Australia

Functional foods andNutraceuticals

Nutraceuticals areorganically active phytochemicals that have medical advantages which might beconveyed to the purchaser as a dietarysupplement or potentially as a functionalfood. These items are probably going to assume the fundamental part of human health andlifespan. The utilization of these components by most of the public is withouta medical prescription. They can be considered as a nonspecific biologicaltherapy used to promote the wellbeing and control symptoms to prevent itsmalignant process.

Related: Food Science Conferences | Food Science Congress | Nutrition Conferences | Food Technology ConferencesFood Science Summit | Nutrition Conference | Nutrition Events | Obesity Conferences | Health Conferences

Recommended Associations &Societies: Federation ofEuropean Nutrition SocietiesEuropean Federation of FoodScience and TechnologySocietyof Nutrition and Food ScienceThe NutritionSocietyCentre forFood Safety and Applied NutritionEconomic andFood Safety AuthorityAmericanSociety for Nutrition; United States Food and Drug AdministrationParental andEnteral Nutrition Society of AsiaAsia Pacific Clinical NutritionSocietyInternationalUnion of Nutritional SciencesFederation ofAsian Nutrition SocietiesWorld HealthOrganizationFood Safetyand Standards Authority of IndiaState Foodand Drug Administration

Related Conferences: 4thInternational Conference onFood Chemistry and Technology, November 18-19, 2019 at Berlin, Germany; 2ndInternational Conference onNutritionFood Scienceand Health Management,November 20-21, 2019 at Berlin, Germany; International Conference onObesity and Endocrinology, November 21-22, 2019 at Singapore; 17thInternational Conference onClinical Nutrition and Fitness, November 21-22, 2019 at Singapore; Nutrition& Eating disorders, November 25-26, 2019 at Yokohama, Japan; World Summit onNutritionObesityDietetics andEating Disorders, November 29-30, 2019  at Toronto, Ontario, Canada; 5th World Congress on NutritionDietetics & Nutraceuticals,January 29-30, 2020 at Sydney, Australia

Pregnancy Nutrition

Roughly around 300 additional caloriesare needed on a daily basis to maintain a healthy pregnancy cycle. These caloriesshould come from a proper diet of protein, fruits, vegetablesand whole grains with sweets and fats. Kept to at the minimum range.

Eating ahealthy diet duringpregnancy is linked to goof fatal brain development, healthy birth weight andthus it reduces the risk of birth defects. Good pregnancy nutrition isthought to help balance mood swings and it may improve work and delivery aswell.

Related: Food Science Conferences | Food Science Congress | Nutrition Conferences | Food Technology ConferencesFood Science Summit | Nutrition Conference | Nutrition Events | Obesity Conferences | Health Conferences

Recommended Associations &Societies: Federation ofEuropean Nutrition SocietiesEuropean Federation of FoodScience and TechnologySocietyof Nutrition and Food ScienceThe NutritionSocietyCentre forFood Safety and Applied NutritionEconomic andFood Safety AuthorityAmericanSociety for Nutrition; United States Food and Drug AdministrationParental andEnteral Nutrition Society of AsiaAsia Pacific Clinical NutritionSocietyInternationalUnion of Nutritional SciencesFederation ofAsian Nutrition SocietiesWorld HealthOrganizationFood Safetyand Standards Authority of IndiaState Foodand Drug Administration

Related Conferences: 4thInternational Conference onFood Chemistry and Technology, November 18-19, 2019 at Berlin, Germany; 2ndInternational Conference onNutritionFood Scienceand Health Management,November 20-21, 2019 at Berlin, Germany; International Conference onObesity and Endocrinology, November 21-22, 2019 at Singapore; 17thInternational Conference onClinical Nutrition and Fitness, November 21-22, 2019 at Singapore; Nutrition& Eating disorders, November 25-26, 2019 at Yokohama, Japan; World Summit onNutritionObesityDietetics andEating Disorders, November 29-30, 2019  at Toronto, Ontario, Canada; 5th World Congress on NutritionDietetics & Nutraceuticals,January 29-30, 2020 at Sydney, Australia

Sports Nutrition &Kinesiology

The properdiet makessure that the body gets the adequate amount of nutrient which is essential toperform the basic task and keep our body in a healthy stable condition. Whereassports nutrition seems tobe more complex. The sports diet isspecially designed for everyone based on their metabolism, training, goals,muscle growth, and bodybuilding. According to a report of 2018, the globalsports nutrition market isaccounted for UDS 31 billion in 2017 and is expected to steadily rise and reachUDS 51 billion by 2023, growing at the ratio of 50% between 2017 and 2023

Related: Food Science Conferences | Food Science Congress | Nutrition Conferences | Food Technology Conferences | Food Science Summit | Nutrition Conference | Nutrition Events | Obesity Conferences | Health Conferences

· Recommended Associations &Societies: Federation ofEuropean Nutrition SocietiesEuropean Federation of FoodScience and TechnologySocietyof Nutrition and Food ScienceThe NutritionSocietyCentre forFood Safety and Applied NutritionEconomic andFood Safety AuthorityAmericanSociety for Nutrition; United States Food and Drug AdministrationParental andEnteral Nutrition Society of AsiaAsia Pacific Clinical NutritionSocietyInternationalUnion of Nutritional SciencesFederation ofAsian Nutrition SocietiesWorld HealthOrganizationFood Safetyand Standards Authority of IndiaState Foodand Drug Administration

Related Conferences: 4thInternational Conference onFood Chemistry and Technology, November 18-19, 2019 at Berlin, Germany; 2ndInternational Conference onNutritionFood Scienceand Health Management,November 20-21, 2019 at Berlin, Germany; International Conference onObesity and Endocrinology, November 21-22, 2019 at Singapore; 17thInternational Conference onClinical Nutrition and Fitness, November 21-22, 2019 at Singapore; Nutrition& Eating disorders, November 25-26, 2019 at Yokohama, Japan; World Summit onNutritionObesityDietetics andEating Disorders, November 29-30, 2019  at Toronto, Ontario, Canada; 5th World Congress on NutritionDietetics & Nutraceuticals,January 29-30, 2020 at Sydney, Australia

Nutrition and Cancer Research

Nutrition could bea favorable method in which food isconsumed and utilized by the body for its growth, to replace the tissues and tokeep the body healthy. Right consumption of food before,after and during the treatment of cancer mightfacilitate the patients to stay healthy and stronger. A healthy diet alsoincludes proteinvitamins, fat and whatthe body desires.

Related: Food ScienceConferences | FoodScience Congress | NutritionConferences | FoodTechnology Conferences | FoodScience Summit | NutritionConference | NutritionEvents | ObesityConferences | HealthConferences

Recommended Associations &Societies: Federation ofEuropean Nutrition SocietiesEuropean Federation of FoodScience and TechnologySocietyof Nutrition and Food ScienceThe NutritionSocietyCentre forFood Safety and Applied NutritionEconomic andFood Safety AuthorityAmericanSociety for Nutrition; United States Food and Drug AdministrationParental andEnteral Nutrition Society of AsiaAsia Pacific Clinical NutritionSocietyInternationalUnion of Nutritional SciencesFederation ofAsian Nutrition SocietiesWorld HealthOrganizationFood Safetyand Standards Authority of IndiaState Foodand Drug Administration

Related Conferences: 4thInternational Conference onFood Chemistry and Technology, November 18-19, 2019 at Berlin, Germany; 2ndInternational Conference onNutritionFood Scienceand Health Management,November 20-21, 2019 at Berlin, Germany; International Conference onObesity and Endocrinology, November 21-22, 2019 at Singapore; 17thInternational Conference onClinical Nutrition and Fitness, November 21-22, 2019 at Singapore; Nutrition& Eating disorders, November 25-26, 2019 at Yokohama, Japan; World Summit onNutritionObesityDietetics andEating Disorders, November 29-30, 2019  at Toronto, Ontario, Canada; 5th World Congress on NutritionDietetics & Nutraceuticals,January 29-30, 2020 at Sydney, Australia

Nutrition and CardiovascularDisease

Lifestyleand other factors play a major role in the etiology of cardiovascular disease.The strength of the heart comes from the soundness which is proportional to cardiovascular health. Body nutrition managementalong with ample rest to the heart may prevent cardiovascular diseases.Cardiovascular fitness is the ability of heart, blood cells and lungs to supplyoxygen-rich blood to the muscle tissue and the ability of the muscle to useoxygen to produce energy for movement. 

Related: Food Science Conferences | Food Science Congress | Nutrition Conferences | Food Technology ConferencesFood Science Summit | Nutrition Conference | Nutrition Events | Obesity Conferences | Health Conferences

Recommended Associations &Societies: Federation ofEuropean Nutrition SocietiesEuropean Federation of FoodScience and TechnologySocietyof Nutrition and Food ScienceThe NutritionSocietyCentre forFood Safety and Applied NutritionEconomic andFood Safety AuthorityAmericanSociety for Nutrition; United States Food and Drug AdministrationParental andEnteral Nutrition Society of AsiaAsia Pacific Clinical NutritionSocietyInternationalUnion of Nutritional SciencesFederation ofAsian Nutrition SocietiesWorld HealthOrganizationFood Safetyand Standards Authority of IndiaState Foodand Drug Administration

Related Conferences: 4thInternational Conference onFood Chemistry and Technology, November 18-19, 2019 at Berlin, Germany; 2ndInternational Conference onNutritionFood Scienceand Health Management,November 20-21, 2019 at Berlin, Germany; International Conference onObesity and Endocrinology, November 21-22, 2019 at Singapore; 17thInternational Conference onClinical Nutrition and Fitness, November 21-22, 2019 at Singapore; Nutrition& Eating disorders, November 25-26, 2019 at Yokohama, Japan; World Summit onNutritionObesityDietetics andEating Disorders, November 29-30, 2019  at Toronto, Ontario, Canada; 5th World Congress on NutritionDietetics & Nutraceuticals,January 29-30, 2020 at Sydney, Australia

Food Science and Technology

Food science and technologyis the discipline of applied science such as biology, engineering, nutrition, and health science, molecularbiology, genetics, microbiology, and biochemistry which is aimed at providing a better understanding of foodcomponents, materials and their conversion to healthy and safe products anddelivery to the general public. Technological advancements should be promotingup in order to feed the growing population.

·      Related: Food Science Conferences | Food Science Congress | Nutrition Conferences | Food Technology ConferencesFood Science Summit | Nutrition Conference | Nutrition Events | Obesity Conferences | Health Conferences

Recommended Associations &Societies: Federation ofEuropean Nutrition SocietiesEuropean Federation of FoodScience and TechnologySocietyof Nutrition and Food ScienceThe NutritionSocietyCentre forFood Safety and Applied NutritionEconomic andFood Safety AuthorityAmericanSociety for Nutrition; United States Food and Drug AdministrationParental andEnteral Nutrition Society of AsiaAsia Pacific Clinical NutritionSocietyInternationalUnion of Nutritional SciencesFederation ofAsian Nutrition SocietiesWorld HealthOrganizationFood Safetyand Standards Authority of IndiaState Foodand Drug Administration

Related Conferences: 4thInternational Conference onFood Chemistry and Technology, November 18-19, 2019 at Berlin, Germany; 2ndInternational Conference onNutritionFood Scienceand Health Management,November 20-21, 2019 at Berlin, Germany; International Conference onObesity and Endocrinology, November 21-22, 2019 at Singapore; 17thInternational Conference onClinical Nutrition and Fitness, November 21-22, 2019 at Singapore; Nutrition& Eating disorders, November 25-26, 2019 at Yokohama, Japan; World Summit onNutritionObesityDietetics andEating Disorders, November 29-30, 2019  at Toronto, Ontario, Canada; 5th World Congress on NutritionDietetics & Nutraceuticals,January 29-30, 2020 at Sydney, Australia

Food Chemistry and Biochemistry

Food chemistry mainlyfocuses on the changes in the composition and chemical, physical, andfunctional properties of foodsand products during their processing and storage. It has promptdevelopment in the past few decades based on modern chemistry and biochemistry.Recent advances in the foodchemistry and biochemistry are mainly in the chemical aspects of foodcomponents and additives 

Related: Food Science Conferences | Food Science Congress | Nutrition Conferences | Food Technology ConferencesFood Science Summit | Nutrition Conference | Nutrition Events | Obesity Conferences | Health Conferences

Recommended Associations &Societies: Federation ofEuropean Nutrition SocietiesEuropean Federation of FoodScience and TechnologySocietyof Nutrition and Food ScienceThe NutritionSocietyCentre forFood Safety and Applied NutritionEconomic andFood Safety AuthorityAmericanSociety for Nutrition; United States Food and Drug AdministrationParental andEnteral Nutrition Society of AsiaAsia Pacific Clinical NutritionSocietyInternationalUnion of Nutritional SciencesFederation ofAsian Nutrition SocietiesWorld HealthOrganizationFood Safetyand Standards Authority of IndiaState Foodand Drug Administration

Related Conferences: 4thInternational Conference onFood Chemistry and Technology, November 18-19, 2019 at Berlin, Germany; 2ndInternational Conference onNutritionFood Scienceand Health Management,November 20-21, 2019 at Berlin, Germany; International Conference onObesity and Endocrinology, November 21-22, 2019 at Singapore; 17thInternational Conference onClinical Nutrition and Fitness, November 21-22, 2019 at Singapore; Nutrition& Eating disorders, November 25-26, 2019 at Yokohama, Japan; World Summit onNutritionObesityDietetics andEating Disorders, November 29-30, 2019  at Toronto, Ontario, Canada; 5th World Congress on NutritionDietetics & Nutraceuticals,January 29-30, 2020 at Sydney, Australia

Food Processing and Technology

Food Processing consists ofmany methods and techniques used to transform raw materials (Plant or animalsource) into intermediate foodstuffs or edible products through the applicationof scientific knowledge and technology. Food Technology providesknowledge of science and technology, and develops potential skills forselection, storage, preservation, processing, packaging, distribution of safe,nutritious, wholesome, desirable as well as affordable, convenient foods forthe consumers.

Related: Food Science Conferences | Food Science Congress | Nutrition Conferences | Food Technology ConferencesFood Science Summit | Nutrition Conference | Nutrition Events | Obesity Conferences | Health Conferences

Recommended Associations &Societies: Federation ofEuropean Nutrition SocietiesEuropean Federation of FoodScience and TechnologySocietyof Nutrition and Food ScienceThe NutritionSocietyCentre forFood Safety and Applied NutritionEconomic andFood Safety AuthorityAmericanSociety for Nutrition; United States Food and Drug AdministrationParental andEnteral Nutrition Society of AsiaAsia Pacific Clinical NutritionSocietyInternationalUnion of Nutritional SciencesFederation ofAsian Nutrition SocietiesWorld HealthOrganizationFood Safetyand Standards Authority of IndiaState Foodand Drug Administration

Related Conferences: 4thInternational Conference onFood Chemistry and Technology, November 18-19, 2019 at Berlin, Germany; 2ndInternational Conference onNutritionFood Scienceand Health Management,November 20-21, 2019 at Berlin, Germany; International Conference onObesity and Endocrinology, November 21-22, 2019 at Singapore; 17thInternational Conference onClinical Nutrition and Fitness, November 21-22, 2019 at Singapore; Nutrition& Eating disorders, November 25-26, 2019 at Yokohoma, Japan; World Summit onNutritionObesityDietetics andEating Disorders, November 29-30, 2019  at Toronto, Ontario, Canada; 5th World Congress on NutritionDietetics & Nutraceuticals,January 29-30, 2020 at Sydney, Australia

Food Engineering

Food engineering, which ismultidisciplinary field related to food manufacturing thatcovers the applications of foodscience. The main purpose of food engineering is toadvance the implementation of efficient industrial processing in thetransformation of raw materials such as plant or animal source into edibleforms, which includes packaging, storage, and distribution.

·      Related: Food Science Conferences | Food Science Congress | Nutrition Conferences | Food Technology ConferencesFood Science Summit | Nutrition Conference | Nutrition Events | Obesity Conferences | Health Conferences

Recommended Associations &Societies: Federation ofEuropean Nutrition SocietiesEuropean Federation of FoodScience and TechnologySocietyof Nutrition and Food ScienceThe NutritionSocietyCentre forFood Safety and Applied NutritionEconomic andFood Safety AuthorityAmericanSociety for Nutrition; United States Food and Drug AdministrationParental andEnteral Nutrition Society of AsiaAsia Pacific Clinical NutritionSocietyInternationalUnion of Nutritional SciencesFederation ofAsian Nutrition SocietiesWorld HealthOrganizationFood Safetyand Standards Authority of IndiaState Foodand Drug Administration

Related Conferences: 4thInternational Conference onFood Chemistry and Technology, November 18-19, 2019 at Berlin, Germany; 2ndInternational Conference onNutritionFood Scienceand Health Management,November 20-21, 2019 at Berlin, Germany; International Conference onObesity and Endocrinology, November 21-22, 2019 at Singapore; 17thInternational Conference onClinical Nutrition and Fitness, November 21-22, 2019 at Singapore; Nutrition& Eating disorders, November 25-26, 2019 at Yokohama, Japan; World Summit onNutritionObesityDietetics andEating Disorders, November 29-30, 2019  at Toronto, Ontario, Canada; 5th World Congress on NutritionDietetics & Nutraceuticals,January 29-30, 2020 at Sydney, Australia

Food Packaging and Preservation

Role of food packaging is to protectfood products fromunwanted impact and damage, to contain the food, and to supply consumerswith nutritional details. FoodPreservation lies at the heart of food science and technology,and it is the main purpose of foodprocessing. Mainly foodpreservation is used to overcome inappropriate planning in agriculture,produce value-added products, and provide variation in diet

·      Related: Food Science Conferences | Food Science Congress | Nutrition Conferences | Food Technology ConferencesFood Science Summit | Nutrition Conference | Nutrition Events | Obesity Conferences | Health Conferences

Recommended Associations &Societies: Federation ofEuropean Nutrition SocietiesEuropean Federation of FoodScience and TechnologySocietyof Nutrition and Food ScienceThe NutritionSocietyCentre forFood Safety and Applied NutritionEconomic andFood Safety AuthorityAmericanSociety for Nutrition; United States Food and Drug AdministrationParental andEnteral Nutrition Society of AsiaAsia Pacific Clinical NutritionSocietyInternationalUnion of Nutritional SciencesFederation ofAsian Nutrition SocietiesWorld HealthOrganizationFood Safetyand Standards Authority of IndiaState Foodand Drug Administration

Related Conferences: 4thInternational Conference onFood Chemistry and Technology, November 18-19, 2019 at Berlin, Germany; 2ndInternational Conference onNutritionFood Scienceand Health Management,November 20-21, 2019 at Berlin, Germany; International Conference onObesity and Endocrinology, November 21-22, 2019 at Singapore; 17thInternational Conference onClinical Nutrition and Fitness, November 21-22, 2019 at Singapore; Nutrition& Eating disorders, November 25-26, 2019 at Yokohama, Japan; World Summit onNutritionObesityDietetics andEating Disorders, November 29-30, 2019  at Toronto, Ontario, Canada; 5th World Congress on NutritionDietetics & Nutraceuticals,January 29-30, 2020 at Sydney, Australia

Food Microbiology and Enzymology

Food Microbiology andenzymology plays a major role in the stream of food science. Enzymes frombacteria, yeasts, and molds are currently used for processing foods and food ingredients. Some ofyeast species used for protein production and past few decades these microbialsources of enzymes are fulfilling the consumers need.

Related: Food Science Conferences | Food Science Congress | Nutrition Conferences | Food Technology ConferencesFood Science Summit | Nutrition Conference | Nutrition Events | Obesity Conferences | Health Conferences

Recommended Associations &Societies: Federation ofEuropean Nutrition SocietiesEuropean Federation of FoodScience and TechnologySocietyof Nutrition and Food ScienceThe NutritionSocietyCentre forFood Safety and Applied NutritionEconomic andFood Safety AuthorityAmericanSociety for Nutrition; United States Food and Drug AdministrationParental andEnteral Nutrition Society of AsiaAsia Pacific Clinical NutritionSocietyInternationalUnion of Nutritional SciencesFederation ofAsian Nutrition SocietiesWorld HealthOrganizationFood Safetyand Standards Authority of IndiaState Foodand Drug Administration

Related Conferences: 4thInternational Conference onFood Chemistry and Technology, November 18-19, 2019 at Berlin, Germany; 2ndInternational Conference onNutritionFood Scienceand Health Management,November 20-21, 2019 at Berlin, Germany; International Conference onObesity and Endocrinology, November 21-22, 2019 at Singapore; 17thInternational Conference onClinical Nutrition and Fitness, November 21-22, 2019 at Singapore; Nutrition& Eating disorders, November 25-26, 2019 at Yokohama, Japan; World Summit onNutritionObesityDietetics andEating Disorders, November 29-30, 2019  at Toronto, Ontario, Canada; 5th World Congress on NutritionDietetics & Nutraceuticals,January 29-30, 2020 at Sydney, Australia

Food - Quality Control andQuality Assurance

Quality in food supply should be an important concern to all foodprocessors. Quality control and Assurance defined by regulations, policies orstandards is controlled by federal and state agencies

·      Related: Food Science Conferences | Food Science Congress | Nutrition Conferences | Food Technology ConferencesFood Science Summit | Nutrition Conference | Nutrition Events | Obesity Conferences | Health Conferences

Recommended Associations &Societies: Federation ofEuropean Nutrition SocietiesEuropean Federation of FoodScience and TechnologySocietyof Nutrition and Food ScienceThe NutritionSocietyCentre forFood Safety and Applied NutritionEconomic andFood Safety AuthorityAmericanSociety for Nutrition; United States Food and Drug AdministrationParental andEnteral Nutrition Society of AsiaAsia Pacific Clinical NutritionSocietyInternationalUnion of Nutritional SciencesFederation ofAsian Nutrition SocietiesWorld HealthOrganizationFood Safetyand Standards Authority of IndiaState Foodand Drug Administration

Related Conferences: 4thInternational Conference onFood Chemistry and Technology, November 18-19, 2019 at Berlin, Germany; 2ndInternational Conference onNutritionFood Scienceand Health Management,November 20-21, 2019 at Berlin, Germany; International Conference onObesity and Endocrinology, November 21-22, 2019 at Singapore; 17thInternational Conference onClinical Nutrition and Fitness, November 21-22, 2019 at Singapore; Nutrition& Eating disorders, November 25-26, 2019 at Yokohama, Japan; World Summit onNutritionObesityDietetics andEating Disorders, November 29-30, 2019  at Toronto, Ontario, Canada; 5th World Congress on NutritionDietetics & Nutraceuticals,January 29-30, 2020 at Sydney, Australia

Food Safety and Security

Food-risks (Food Safety and Food Security) are high onthe political agenda and they are classified as one of the largest risks tosocieties in the next decades. Foodsecurity is built on the pillars of availability, stability, access anduse. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that food- and waterborne diarrhealdiseases are one of the leading causes of death which is happening in the worldbecause of unsafe food. So,food Safety is also one of the reasons for acute to chronic diseases.

·      Related: Food Science Conferences | Food Science Congress | Nutrition Conferences | Food Technology ConferencesFood Science Summit | Nutrition Conference | Nutrition Events | Obesity Conferences | Health Conferences

Recommended Associations &Societies: Federation ofEuropean Nutrition SocietiesEuropean Federation of Food Scienceand TechnologySocietyof Nutrition and Food ScienceThe NutritionSocietyCentre forFood Safety and Applied NutritionEconomic andFood Safety AuthorityAmericanSociety for Nutrition; United States Food and Drug AdministrationParental andEnteral Nutrition Society of AsiaAsia Pacific Clinical NutritionSocietyInternationalUnion of Nutritional SciencesFederation ofAsian Nutrition SocietiesWorld HealthOrganizationFood Safetyand Standards Authority of IndiaState Foodand Drug Administration

Related Conferences: 4thInternational Conference onFood Chemistry and Technology, November 18-19, 2019 at Berlin, Germany; 2ndInternational Conference onNutritionFood Scienceand Health Management,November 20-21, 2019 at Berlin, Germany; International Conference onObesity and Endocrinology, November 21-22, 2019 at Singapore; 17thInternational Conference onClinical Nutrition and Fitness, November 21-22, 2019 at Singapore; Nutrition& Eating disorders, November 25-26, 2019 at Yokohama, Japan; World Summit onNutritionObesityDietetics andEating Disorders, November 29-30, 2019  at Toronto, Ontario, Canada; 5th World Congress on NutritionDietetics & Nutraceuticals,January 29-30, 2020 at Sydney, Australia

Dairy Science & Technology

Milk is a primary natural functionbeing the nutrition of theyoung. In the dairy industry, physical, chemical and biochemical phenomena arethe basis for the strong relationship between the product quality, processoperation and design.

Related: Food Science Conferences | Food Science Congress | Nutrition Conferences | Food Technology ConferencesFood Science Summit | Nutrition Conference | Nutrition Events | Obesity Conferences | Health Conferences

Recommended Associations &Societies: Federation ofEuropean Nutrition SocietiesEuropean Federation of FoodScience and TechnologySocietyof Nutrition and Food ScienceThe NutritionSocietyCentre forFood Safety and Applied NutritionEconomic andFood Safety AuthorityAmericanSociety for Nutrition; United States Food and Drug AdministrationParental andEnteral Nutrition Society of AsiaAsia Pacific Clinical NutritionSocietyInternationalUnion of Nutritional SciencesFederation ofAsian Nutrition SocietiesWorld HealthOrganizationFood Safetyand Standards Authority of IndiaState Foodand Drug Administration

Related Conferences: 4thInternational Conference onFood Chemistry and Technology, November 18-19, 2019 at Berlin, Germany; 2ndInternational Conference onNutritionFood Scienceand Health Management,November 20-21, 2019 at Berlin, Germany; International Conference onObesity and Endocrinology, November 21-22, 2019 at Singapore; 17thInternational Conference onClinical Nutrition and Fitness, November 21-22, 2019 at Singapore; Nutrition& Eating disorders, November 25-26, 2019 at Yokohoma, Japan; World Summit onNutritionObesityDietetics andEating Disorders, November 29-30, 2019  at Toronto, Ontario, Canada; 5th World Congress on NutritionDietetics & Nutraceuticals,January 29-30, 2020 at Sydney, Australia

Food Nanotechnology andToxicology

Nanotechnologiesmay improve the effectiveness of pesticides and fertilizer to increase cropyields. Nutritiondelivery of the nanostructure of plants and animals may also be possible tofurther, improve farming yield. Food Toxicology is one ofthe important sections in science. Uncontrolled contaminants, whether it may bebiological or non-biological, lead to food toxicity and causeseveral food-bornediseases, thus transmit negative health effects and economic disturbances.

Related: Food Science Conferences | Food Science Congress | Nutrition Conferences | Food Technology ConferencesFood Science Summit | Nutrition Conference | Nutrition Events | Obesity Conferences | Health Conferences

Recommended Associations &Societies: Federation ofEuropean Nutrition SocietiesEuropean Federation of FoodScience and TechnologySocietyof Nutrition and Food ScienceThe NutritionSocietyCentre forFood Safety and Applied NutritionEconomic andFood Safety AuthorityAmericanSociety for Nutrition; United States Food and Drug AdministrationParental andEnteral Nutrition Society of AsiaAsia Pacific Clinical NutritionSocietyInternationalUnion of Nutritional SciencesFederation ofAsian Nutrition SocietiesWorld HealthOrganizationFood Safetyand Standards Authority of IndiaState Foodand Drug Administration

Related Conferences: 4thInternational Conference onFood Chemistry and Technology, November 18-19, 2019 at Berlin, Germany; 2ndInternational Conference onNutritionFood Scienceand Health Management,November 20-21, 2019 at Berlin, Germany; International Conference onObesity and Endocrinology, November 21-22, 2019 at Singapore; 17thInternational Conference onClinical Nutrition and Fitness, November 21-22, 2019 at Singapore; Nutrition& Eating disorders, November 25-26, 2019 at Yokohama, Japan; World Summit onNutritionObesityDietetics andEating Disorders, November 29-30, 2019  at Toronto, Ontario, Canada; 5th World Congress on NutritionDietetics & Nutraceuticals,January 29-30, 2020 at Sydney, Australia

AdvancedFood Research

The current advancement in Nutrition and food research recognizes the potential relationship between the food and nutritional science which eventuallybrings together the outstanding and scientific innovation in a wide area of Nutrition and food sciences. Scientistsaims at improving the healthfeeding practices, its sustainability and how to resolve the challenges in thedeveloping nations through the technological and scientific advancements

Related: Food Science Conferences | Food Science Congress | Nutrition Conferences | Food Technology ConferencesFood Science Summit | Nutrition Conference | Nutrition Events | Obesity Conferences | Health Conferences

Recommended Associations &Societies: Federation ofEuropean Nutrition SocietiesEuropean Federation of FoodScience and TechnologySocietyof Nutrition and Food ScienceThe NutritionSocietyCentre forFood Safety and Applied NutritionEconomic andFood Safety AuthorityAmericanSociety for Nutrition; United States Food and Drug AdministrationParental andEnteral Nutrition Society of AsiaAsia Pacific Clinical NutritionSocietyInternationalUnion of Nutritional SciencesFederation ofAsian Nutrition SocietiesWorld HealthOrganizationFood Safetyand Standards Authority of IndiaState Foodand Drug Administration

Related Conferences: 4thInternational Conference onFood Chemistry and Technology, November 18-19, 2019 at Berlin, Germany; 2ndInternational Conference onNutritionFood Scienceand Health Management,November 20-21, 2019 at Berlin, Germany; International Conference onObesity and Endocrinology, November 21-22, 2019 at Singapore; 17thInternational Conference onClinical Nutrition and Fitness, November 21-22, 2019 at Singapore; Nutrition& Eating disorders, November 25-26, 2019 at Yokohama, Japan; World Summit onNutritionObesityDietetics andEating Disorders, November 29-30, 2019  at Toronto, Ontario, Canada; 5th World Congress on NutritionDietetics & Nutraceuticals,January 29-30, 2020 at Sydney, Australia


Market Analysis

Throughout the last twenty years, deals in worldwide nutrition supplements have seen a phenomenal spike. This has empowered the new players to migrate into the business sectors with items that guarantee to create the remedy for youth, wellbeing, and essentialness. With reference to the Nutrition Business Journal report, the worldwide Nutrition and Food Supplements market remained at USD 116 billion starting from 2016. After 2 years it was around USD 128 billion all inclusive.

Current advancement and research in the field of Nutrition and Food Sciences are expected to develop and propose a novel and countless ideas and opportunities in the flourishing food science sector. Regardless of a wide range of contribution for R &D expects to boom its market value towards Nutrition and Food Science. Increasing awareness among people in association with the trending pharmaceuticals and Nutraceuticals supplements made people switch natural products from the natural source which eventually boomed the market value.

The modern and the current lifestyle improves the demand of the Nutrition supplements among every individual. The fast growth of Nutrition products is due to the significant improvement in the aging population and due to the growing awareness among an individual for their health and wellbeing. Eventually, the growing friction of internet in both developed, as well as

developing countries, improved the self-medication trending and there is a shift towards the healthy food and beverages worldwide. The market value of Nutrition is estimated to register a CAGR of 7.5% during 2018-2023. Currently, the market value is around USD 9.7 billion and is further expected to reach USD 26 billion by 2023.

The food traceability technologies market should reach $ 17 billion by 2012 from $10.8 billion out of 2017 at a compound annual growth rate of 8.1% from 2018 to 2023 The development and enhancement of dairy market is a gauge to moderate, with a CAGR of 4.1% in the vicinity of 2012 and 2019, reaching $92.4 billion out of 2023. 


About conference & Past Conference Report

We would like to thank all our wonderful keynotes, speakers, delegates, students, associations, exhibitors, media partner and guests for making Food Science 2020  Europe a successful event.

Allied Academies hosted the event of the 7th International Conference on NutritionFood Science and Technology during the mid of March 07-09, 2020  in London, the UK at Sheraton Heathrow London with the theme Carving new paths in the field of Food Science and Technology. Active participation was received from the Editorial Board Members of supporting International Journals as well as from the leading scientists, researchers, research scholars, students and leaders from the field of NutritionFood Science & Technology who made the event successful.

Food Science 2020 was marked by the attendance of young and brilliant researchers, business delegates and talented student communities representing more than 18 countries who have driven this event into the path of success. The conference highlighted through various sessions on current research.

With the grand success of Food Science 2020,  we are proud to announce the 8th International Conference on Nutritionfood Science and technology to be held during December 09-10, 2020 in Dubai, UAE.

The features of the gathering were the edifying keynote addresses from:

·         Annette C Bentley | American Celiac Society | USA

·         Karen E Burke | Mount Sinai Medical Centre | USA

·         Anne J Gunderson | Georgetown University | USA

·         Andrea Pusey-Murray | University of Technology | Jamaica

·         Amel Abouelfettoh | King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences | KSA

·         Masahiro Onuma | Trisguide Ltd | Japan

·         Guy Kurkjian, President | World Food Safety Organisation | Malta

·         Ronnie Tsunami | Plant Based Society | USA

·         Derek Watson | University of Sunderland | UK

·         Christopher Smith | University of Chester | UK

Scope and Importance

After the successful completion of the first edition, we take pride to announce the next series on the 2nd International Conference on Food ScienceNutrition and Technology slated on October 22-23, 2020 in London, the UK which emphasis on Nurturing the Nutrition Network.

Nutritional science examines how the body responds to food. Due to its advancement in technology, nutrition has become more focuses on body metabolism and its pathway. Further nutrition and food science focus on how diseases, pathology, and problems can be prevented and cured with an adorable healthy diet. Apparently, nutrition and food science deal how certain diseases and conditions are caused by a certain dietary factor namely malnutrition, food allergies, and food intolerances.

Hence Food science and Nutrition conference depend on the generous exchange of knowledge between the experts to promote scientific discoveries. Food science 2020 is committed to promoting open, transparent and international scientific exchange on the idea to Nurture the Nutrition Network which eventually contributes to the improvement of efforts to tackle local, national and global impacts of Food Science and Nutrition

Benefits of attending

  • Augment the greatest asset you have
  • Self- renew yourself
  • Develop the art of marketing
  • Meet Experts & Influencers Face to Face
  • Assimilate the vigor of compatible individual
  • Explode from antiquity
  • Acquire greater focus

Targeted audience

  • Food Science Experts
  • Health and Food Researches
  • Natural Medicine Researchers
  • Alternative Medicine Specialists
  • Healthcare Professionals
  • Experts from Hospitals
  • CEOs’ and Presidents’
  • Food Experts from food industries
  • Business Entrepreneurs
  • Directors and Professors from Universities and Institutions
  • Nutritionists and Dietitians
  • Experts from nutritional supplement companies
  • Clinical Researchers
  • Post-doctoral and Ph.D. students
  • Student Researchers

Why Attend?

Food science Conference has become a premier among academia, industries, and business firm. Food science conference provides a great opportunity to all the attendees in publishing their research results, exchange and share knowledge, and networking with fellow researchers from all over the world. Food science conference includes a keynote speech, Oral presentation, Poster presentation, Workshops, Symposium and special sessions for supporting organizations and associations.

Food Science and Nutrition has planned to offer an extensive network among experts from the various field of life sciences across the globe to discuss the latest research and the current challenges in the meadow.

Food science 2020 has been designed in such a way to provide an innovative and comprehensive overview of the latest trends and the potential future in Food Technology and Nutrition. I’m pretty much confident that Food science 2020 would serve as a catalyst by connecting scientist within and across disciples under a single roof. It would create an environment to generate new ideas and accelerates its applications that benefit society. 


Renowned Speakers

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date June 17-18, 2020
Poster Oppurtunity Available
e-Poster Oppurtunity Available
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